Jesus foretold that in the latter days because lawlessness will increase, the love of many will grow cold. (Luke 18:8)
Indeed, we are living in these times. For as many profess love (lovers of themselves) and tolerance (lawlessness) being the anthem of the day; what this really means IS that everyone desires to do what pleases them and what is “right” in their own eyes.
If we may use that phrase at all in our post-modern (what is right/wrong?) culture. Their consciences are seared as with a branding iron. They serve their bellies rather than the Lord who bought them. This indictment is against those who outwardly profess the Lord Jesus Christ; that it is Him, that they serve.
We are pleading with all men to be reconciled to God. For God in Christ has made reconciliation through the blood of His cross. That whosoever will repent and believe may be delivered from condemnation, corruption, and the adversary, and receive the promise of eternal life.
There needs to be a cleansing of the body worldwide itself. For the bride is making herself ready. This is precisely why the man of lawlessness will be revealed and persecute the woman.
This coming persecution will expose these tares in the ekklesia. The sons and daughters of God shall be made known (many chastened and purified) – those who serve the Lord and those who do not. Therefore, we are to examine ourselves and let us test those who profess – that they may also examine themselves for the day is coming and we are to watch and pray that it does not come upon us as a thief.